Companies phone numbers accessible in our tools

  • Over 310 million phone numbers available
  • All phone numbers are available in local and international formats
  • All phone numbers are formatted and standardized
  • Mobile phone numbers, fixed lines (landlines), faxes
  • Caller ID options (Caller ID API / Reverse Phone Lookup API )
  • High-speed tools (APIs and applications)
  • Updated in real-time
  • Instant results
  • GDPR and CCPA compliant
  • Free sample available
  • API formats: json, xml
  • Application formats: txt, csv, xlsx, JSON, GeoJSON
  • One-off purchase / database access / license / integration - API
Illu B2B Side Details - PhoneNumber

Examples of use cases with phone number acquisition.

Use our B2B tools to access, find, verify, validate and export phone numbers in no time. Below are some examples of targeting prospects by obtaining their contact data, including phone numbers.
Find every European media agency
With at least 10 employees and 1 million EUR in sales that has at least 1000 followers on LinkedIn.
Target all Belgian companies
With headquarters outside of Belgium (in a different country) with at least 10 family members inside the company.
Select all Real Estate agencies
With properties for sale and get information about all schools, banks, restaurants, grocery stores, etc, located no further than 1 km away from the properties.
Illu B2B Data-EN
Delivery time
Generally no longer than 1-3 business days, depending on the order’s complexity.
All users of our tools have access to our support team.

Contact our team and get more information about our B2B data

Filling in the form will take no more than 1 minute and we always respond within 1 business day.
FAQ about our data
Is your data safe and reliable ?

The answer is a resounding yes. Our data is 100% safe and fully compliant with GDPR and CCPA regulations. We aggregate data from over 1100 sources, selecting the most valuable information  from each source to build a dataset with a consistent format  across all countries and languages.

This meticulous process ensures that our data is reliable and accurate.

How do I access your data?

It depends on your business goals and the purpose of the data utilization.

We have built advanced applications and APIs to enable our customers to access our data in the manner they find most convenient. Once we know what data you need and how you wish to utilize it, we will propose the best data sourcing solution. Some of our customers perform single data extractions, some need constant access to our data and  some own tools that send us thousands of queries monthly.

Do I need a license? How does it work?

No, you don't need a license to access and extract our data. Whether you need a one-time B2B data delivery on demand, data enrichment, or continuous access to our database, you can obtain everything you need immediately via our applications. 

More advanced options: for customers needing continuous access to our data to  empower their applications and CRMs, we provide APIs.

Will you advise me and help me decide?


We provide you with a full explanation of how our tools work and thanks to our knowledge of the market and the needs of different global industries, we suggest and discuss the best possible solution with you. Each one of our customers is taught how to use the tool provided (for example, how to perform data selections and extractions and enrich the data) and can count on our support at any time.