
Mail Order Company : Data analysis & lead generation strategy

Last Update : 28.06.23 • Publication : 27.01.21 • Reading :

Client - Mail Order Company*

Mail Order Company, founded in 1966, specializes in selling customizable promotional products. This international company offers a wide range of customizable gifts: ballpoint pens, cups, bags, keyrings, notepads, etc. These items are marked with their clients’ brands using embossing, pad printing, engraving, or sheet transfer. This gives customers a promotional gift that highlights their brand.

*To anonymise our client, Mail Order Company is a fictitious company name.

Challenge - Obtaining logos and qualifying leads

Mail Order Company is targeting about 20 markets worlwide. To showcase their know-how, the company sends professional prospects samples of promotional ballpoint pens marked with their logos. To carry out prospecting campaigns, the company must meet two challenges: Finding potential clients’ logos and websites, and qualifying records.

Solution - Providing comprehensive firmographic data

Infobel provides comprehensive firmographic data on markets targeted by Mail Order Company. Additionally, our database includes logos and website addresses of the targeted companies. This gives Mail Order Company the necessary information to create customized samples.

The promotional item manufacturer analyzes data provided by Infobel to model its prospects. Mail Order Company generates a scoring of potential clients and selects the best ones for its B2B direct marketing strategy.

Results - High-performance prospecting campaigns

Thanks to the data collected and data anlysis, Mail Order Company now owns a more qualitative lead list. Firmographic data allow for better record segmentation and easier selection of companies they want to contact. This multinational company thus focuses on ideal prospects by offering them an insight into its products that they will remember.


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Marc Wahba
Author Marc Wahba

Meet Marc, the co-founder and CTO of Infobel. He is in charge of software development. In 1991, he obtained a degree in civil electromechanical engineering from the Polytechnic Faculty and later earned a master's degree in management from the Solvay School of Brussels. Along with his brother, he founded Infobel in 1995, which was the first online directory to offer an online white pages directory. Marc's innovative mindset has led to the launch of new data products and services that have become a global success, serving clients all over the world.

